Thursday, August 2, 2012

Magdalenas: A Spanish Recipe

One of my goals this summer was to bake something from the Spanish cookbook that I bought when I traveled to Spain last summer. The cookbook is called Repostería...for those who don't know, that translates to confectioner's shop or pastry-making (a synonym would be Pastelería which was a quite common shop in Spain!). 

I looked through the entire book marking some sweets that I wanted to try. A lot of them requiring a ton of ingredients, so I skipped over those. I also wanted to try something that was authentic to Spain. I didn't want to make tarte de chocolate (chocolate cake) because you can find that anywhere! So...I made Magdalenas which is a sweet bread (or you could just say cupcake), commonly eaten for breakfast in Spain. I never had these while I was in Spain but I definitely saw them around. I think I mentioned in my Spain posts, but Spainards like to eat "sweets" for breakfast along with their coffee such as galletas (cookies). 

I'm going to post the Spanish and English version of the recipe. I had to do some conversions considering they use the metric system. I found it very odd that this recipe didn't include the temperature at which to cook. I set the oven at 350 degrees and it worked fine. 

The Spanish Pastry Cookbook 

All in español
Photo in the cookbook
200 g de harina floja:  7 ounces of flour (or .875 cup)
200g de azúcar: 7 ounces of sugar
200g mantequilla: 7 ounces of butter
4 huevos:  4 eggs
1 cucharadita de levadura en polvo: 1 teaspoon of baking powder
moldes de papel: paper liners (or just spray with non-stick)

Very Simple Ingredients!

- En un cazo, echar los huevos y el azúcar y batir enérgicamente hasta obtener una mezcla ligera y esponjosa. Derretir la mantequilla, sin que se caliente demasiado , e incorporarla a la masa sin dejar de batir.
- Mezclar la harina con la levadura en polvo y agregarla a la mezcla, removiendo cuidadosamente hasta que todos los ingredientes estén bien mezclados. 
- Verter esta preparación en los moldes de papel especiales para magdalenas sin untar, llenándolos Sólo
 hasta la mitad, ya que, al cocerlas, aumenta mucho su volumen.
- Introducir en el horno durante 30 o 40 minutos (según el tamaño de los moldes). transcurrido este tiempo, sacar y dejar enfriar.   

-In a bowl, add the eggs and sugar and beat until it is light and fluffy. Melt the butter, without being too hot, add to mixture and don't mix too much. 
 - Mix the flour with the baking powder and add to the mixture, stirring gently until all ingredients are well blended. 
- Pour this in paper liners for muffins, filling only halfway, since it rises a lot. 
- Place in the oven for 30 to 40 minutes (depending on the size of the molds). After, remove and let cool.

I will be bringing these to my grandparents house in Florida. Hopefully they will like them. They sure smell good in our kitchen cooling off right now! 

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